Oil Painting

Original oil painting for your inspirations.

Publication Design

Booklet design for your inspirations.

Logo Design

Logo design for your inspirations.

Original acrylic painting from my art studio.

Acrylic painting for your inspirations.

Professional Pitch Deck Design

Pitch Deck Design for your inspirations.

Showing posts with label Layout design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layout design. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Publication: Interactive PDF Booklet Design

Publication: Interactive PDF Booklet Design

An interactive PDF allows you to incorporate all sorts of digital rich media into a document like visual weblinks, videos, audio etc. inside a PDF. Here are some sample pages I have designed for 'AC 2019 Technical Report and Statistics' Booklet for your inspirations. Hope you enjoy.

Booklet Design 1

Booklet Design 2

Booklet Design 3

Booklet Design 4

Booklet Design 6

Booklet Design 7

click below to download the booklet in PDF format.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Corporate Pitch Deck Design

Corporate Pitch Deck Design

The right kind of inspiration will always help you come up with creative and unique ideas for your projects. Here are some of the samples for your inspirations.